Whistleblower - WH!BLER

What is WH!BLER?

WH!BLER is a whistleblower service where you can report serious misconduct occurring within Pennybridge. Please contact WH!BLER if you cannot or do not want to report to anyone else at Pennybridge.
Whibler certified

Why does Pennybridge have a whistleblower service?

We want a great business in Pennybrideg. We want to do right and act right. Misunderstandings can occur in all businesses and we know that it can sometimes feel difficult to report incorrect behavior or violations in the service. That is why we want to offer all our employees, customers, and stakeholders the opportunity to report via a secure and neutral channel. Our goal is to have more opportunities to catch serious misconduct as quickly as possible and act responsibly to stop it.

How does WH!BLER work?

When you contact WH! BLER you are completely anonymous and your call cannot be traced back to you. No calls are recorded.
  1. You call +46 (0) 10-330 20 35 and talk to one of WH!BLER's operators. The switchboard is open around the clock, year round.
    The operator guides you through the call to collect the information needed to proceed with the case. The operator compiles your report in a case file.
    You will be offered a case number that you can use to call back and complete your report or get information on how the case was handled.
  2. The report goes to a lawyer who, within 24 hours, makes an initial assessment of the application. The lawyer looks at whether it is a violation of the law which gives WH!BLER additional data points on how to proceed with the case.
  3. After the legal assessment, each case report is sent to:
    1. Pennybridge Board. We then conduct an investigation internally or with the help of WH!BLERS investigators. After we have gathered facts in the case, we act with the appropriate measures in each case.
    2. Our auditor at EY. This is an extra security for you who are reporting as there is a neutral control function that will follow up that we have acted correctly on the notification.
You may not notice that we have handled your application. We have set up a whistleblower system in order to rectify inaccuracies. If there is evidence of misconduct, there will be consequences for the person or persons responsible. However, we will act responsibly and avoid accusations of any person or persons during the investigation.

What can you report via WH!BLER?

Violations of Pennybridge's values and policy and violations of Swedish law, including:
  • Risk to life, health, safety or environment violations
  • Discrimination
  • Breach of trust
  • Sexual misconduct
  • Theft
  • Corruption

What can't you report via WH!BLER?

  • Solve rumors where you do not have information that can be investigated, such as dates of events or names of practitioners.
  • Personal conflicts that are not about violations of law or internal rules